First class body lever elbow

LEVERS - Chapter 11: The Muscular System
What are examples of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

first class
Examples of First Class Lever Finden Sie die billigsten Flüge! Öko-Test: 1. Rang bei Preissuche 11.
03.06.2008 · Best Answer: ey andrew did u even try google this? o and btw this is directly from the site edit it or mr.jones will hav a fit at u In a Class I lever
What are the first second and third lever.
Classes of Levers
First class body lever elbow
2nd Class LeverFirst class body lever elbow
Lever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lever is a machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum. It is one of the six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists.
13.11.2008 · Best Answer: i will give the answers tomorrow if you don't find them sorry i left my kinesiology book at school and I want to make sure before I give you Professional wrestling attacks. .